Check our map below to see your state’s licensing requirements.

We’ve brought the map to you so you can see exactly what ’s required in your state – right now.


REQUIRED HOURS: Producers in Maryland must take 24 hours of continuing education, 3 of those hours being in ethics, every 2-year license term. Producers licensed for 25 years or more may choose to complete only 8 hours every license term, 3 of those most be in ethics.

License terms end every 2 years on the last day of the producer’s birth month. No excess credits will be carried forward into the next license term. Courses may not be repeated within a 2-year license term. If the same course is repeated in two consecutive license terms, there must be 6 months between the two course completion dates in order to receive credit.


  • LONG TERM CARE TRAINING – Before a Producer can sell or solicit Long Term Care Partnership Insurance they must complete an initial, state approved, 8 hour Long Term Care Partnership Training course. Producers must then complete a 4-hour ongoing training requirement every 2 years following the initial date of completion.
  • ANNUITY TRAINING – Maryland producers must take a course approved for at least 4 hours before selling or soliciting any annuity products.
  • FLOOD INSURANCE TRAINING – Maryland licensed producers who sell flood insurance are required to take a 2-hour one-time course approved for the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
What they’re saying about
Celevi is truly exceptional at what they do. We’ve had firms try to help us with our continuing education before – but no one quite engages us and watches out for us the way they do.

Allstate – Charlotte, NC