Check our map below to see your state’s licensing requirements.
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REQUIRED HOURS: Producers in Maryland must take 24 hours of continuing education, 3 of those hours being in ethics, every 2-year license term. Producers licensed for 25 years or more may choose to complete only 8 hours every license term, 3 of those most be in ethics.
License terms end every 2 years on the last day of the producer’s birth month. No excess credits will be carried forward into the next license term. Courses may not be repeated within a 2-year license term. If the same course is repeated in two consecutive license terms, there must be 6 months between the two course completion dates in order to receive credit.
- LONG TERM CARE TRAINING – Before a Producer can sell or solicit Long Term Care Partnership Insurance they must complete an initial, state approved, 8 hour Long Term Care Partnership Training course. Producers must then complete a 4-hour ongoing training requirement every 2 years following the initial date of completion.
- ANNUITY TRAINING – Maryland producers must take a course approved for at least 4 hours before selling or soliciting any annuity products.
- FLOOD INSURANCE TRAINING – Maryland licensed producers who sell flood insurance are required to take a 2-hour one-time course approved for the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
Allstate – Charlotte, NC